In the spirit of giving, Wellington Capital Partners believes in serving the community and our employees. Our employees work very hard day in and day out to provide a quality service to our customers. We value our employees and care about their well-being. During our Day of Giving, we gave each employee their choice of a turkey or a gift card. We know that some of our younger staff may appreciate buying themselves something special rather than getting a whole turkey.
The management team at Wellington Capital Partners knows this year has been challenging for so many. The fear of Covid-19 and the changes within our day to day lives can be stressful and overwhelming. Wellington Capital Partners wanted to give to our community because we feel it is the right thing to do. As a growing business, we have a responsibility to give locally to strengthen our community. We were able to donate over 30 turkeys to our local community organizations located in Hamburg, NY. It is our hope this year that no family needs to worry about food on the table during Thanksgiving or any day of the year. We plan to continue this tradition to support our local community any way we can all year.
We encourage all of our business partners in the community and nationwide to promote a Day of Giving at your business. Wellington Capital Partners will always stand behind our employees and community with the spirit of giving.